Sunday, November 1, 2009

Third Floor Design Trunk Show

Here are pictures from the trunk show. I will be posting more soon!
This was a lot of fun but I owe a big Thank you to my sister-in-law. She helped me out so much. Thank You Missy :) I could not have done it without you!

These are pictures of the different designs I offered.

Here are some of the Christmas options.

Happy Halloween

Kaylie was our little bumble bee this year! She had a great time in her costume.

She was able to wear her costume to preschool this week. All the kids looked so cute! She decorated a pumpkin at school and it was so sweet to see her sitting at the table working so hard on her pumpkin.

Umm...glitter glue, this looks like fun!

Halloween night we went to a few houses to trick-or-treat with the boys.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


My baby girl is growing up. I can't believe it... but I do think she gets cuter by the day! We have been so busy with preschool, sewing projects and football games. Kaylie is learning so much and talking even more.

She loves watching a video made by Leap Frog called the Letter Factory. This is a GREAT video. Kaylie knows 1/2 of the alphabet just from watching it. We can now ask her to make certain letter sounds and she does it. It is amazing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Kaylie started preschool last week. I am so excited for her but I have a feeling it might take a little bit of time to adjust. When I dropped her off earlier this week she was a little resistant so we shall see how the rest of the week goes. Hopefully we will make it without any tears.
Here she is on her first day of preschool. She is wearing an apple and pair applique dress I made.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pool Time

Kaylie and Eli at the pool. Eli really enjoyed the water spout.

Kaylie just lounging ....for only about 2 seconds and then she is off again :)

Lake House

We took a family trip to the lake house and Kaylie got to go tubing for the very first time. She loved it. She loves anything to do with the water and boats.

Kaylie's One Year Pictures

Yes, we are still here! I know it has been a while but I am going to try and catch up. These are a few of Kaylie's one year pictures. She did not want to take pictures this day. It is really hard to make her sit still long enough to snap the pictures, but we did the best we could.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Baby Girl

Kaylie is such a happy baby. Here she is playing inside a suitcase :) She is talking so much these days, but she stills says mommy more than anything else and I love it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My First Swimming Lesson

Kaylie had her very first swimming lesson yesterday and she had a blast. She actually did very well. The lifeguard thought her how to blow bubbles in the water and Kaylie thought it was so much fun!
This is also the very first time Kaylie has worn these sunglasses......I bought them over 3 months ago and she would always pull them off. She kept them on yesterday for about 20 minutes.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beach Baby

Kaylie at the beach. Have I mentioned that she loves the sand?

Kaylie's little footprint in the sand :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's that?

Kaylie asks "What's that" probably a hundred times a day. She always points and looks at mommy or daddy for the answer. So because we play this game all day long, I thought it deserved a posting all to itself.

Fun in the Sun

These are just pictures of Kaylie over the last few weeks while playing outside.

Kaylie and Joyner playing in the pool!

Kaylie at the park. She really likes the swing.

At the beach with daddy. (Mommy is behind the camera of always :)